112dB Redline Monitor v2.0.3 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R

Team R2R | 2023.06.19 | 4.1 MB


Redline Monitor is a listening, mixing, and mastering tool that makes your headphones experience more natural: as if the sound came from a pair of external speakers.

It replaces the extreme stereo separation that is characteristic for headphones by the detailed stereo image of near-field monitor speakers without any detrimental effect on the audio. Basically it is a so called 'crossfeed plugin' with a few nifty extra's, that add extra spatiality while keeping the sound as clean as possible. It combines filtering, frequency-dependent delaying, mid/side processing, and room simulation to create a convincing acoustic soundstage that allows you to properly localize sound sources. It also adjusts the relative levels of panned sources as they appear on speakers, and moves the soundstage from an indeterminate location inside your head (with headphones) towards a clearly defined location in front of you.

Now you can accurately judge levels, stereo placement, and overall balance on your favorite set of headphones--anywhere, anytime, and without ear fatigue even after prolonged listening. No more night long headphone sessions that turn out lifeless and with too little reverb and separation on speakers. Redline Monitor makes mixes sound identical on speakers and headphones.

官网: https://www.112db.com/plugins/redline/monitor/

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