3q Samples Warehouse Tech House Vol 3 WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 06 January 2024 | 114.11 MB


We are pleased to introduce the third installment of our series, a sample pack inspired by the vibrant Underground Tech House & Deep Tech scene. If you're seeking the authentic analog rolling hats reminiscent of artists like Ben Sterling, as well as big, punchy, and groovy drums akin to the style of Latmun, and edgy minimalistic percussion similar to Wheats, then this sample library is tailor-made for you.

Elevate your production with gritty textures and snappy vocal shots that add a distinct flavor to your tracks. This is a sample pack that should not be overlooked!

All loops are meticulously recorded in high-quality WAV 24-bit format, ensuring optimal sound fidelity. This comprehensive collection provides you with a wide range of loops, hits, textures, and vocal stabs to infuse your productions with the essence of the Underground Tech House & Deep Tech scene. Each element has been carefully crafted to deliver the authentic sound and groove that defines this genre. Don't miss out on this exceptional sample pack that will undoubtedly take your tracks to the next level.

Product Details:

? 20 Top Loops
? 10 Full Drum Loops
? 10 Kick Loops
? 10 Clap Loops
? 10 Hat Loops
? 10 Bass Loops
? 10 Perc Loops
? 15 Kick Hits
? 25 Clap/Snare Hits
? 30 Hat Hits
? 35 Perc Hits
? 5 Textures
? 5 Vox Stabs

官网: https://www.producerloops.com/Download-3q-Samples-Warehouse-Tech-House-Vol-3.html

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