Team KRock | May 11 2012 | 20.57 MB
'DAWcentrix: Reason DnB Combinators' by 5Pin Media is a brand new DAW based series featuring a combination of Patches and advanced automated MIDI designed to inject life and movement into your compositions.
'DAWcentrix: Reason DnB Combinators' for Reason 6 features 66 Drum & Bass Combinator synth patches brisling with sonic character, combined with 65 deftly crafted automated MIDI files designed to add that all important element of dynamic movement to the sounds.
By taking advantage of Combinator's mappable Knobs and Buttons (Macros) the patches literally put key sonic shaping parameters at your fingertips.
Propellerhead's Reason has long been a favourite for producing first class Drum & Bass and this library is no exception.
With a range of classic and contemporary sounds balanced across all the vital elements 'DAWcentrix: Reason DnB Combinators' will prove to be a constant source of inspiration and an essential tool in the studio for all DnB producers whatever your chosen style.
MIDI Breakdown:
? 11 Bass
? 12 Reese
? 4 Sub-Bass
? 15 Lead
? 5 Pad
? 15 FX
? 3 Atmos
Combinator Patch Breakdown:
? 11 Bass
? 12 Reese
? 4 Sub-Bass
? 15 Lead
? 5 Pad
? 15 FX
? 3 Atmos
? 1 Sidechain
The flexibility of MIDI combined with exceptional sounds lies at the heart of this library giving you, the producer, the freedom to take your productions in whichever creative direction you choose.
Unlocking the power of your DAW - 5Pin Media Dawcentrix Series.
Technical Specifications:
? Reason 6 Combinator Patches
? 59.0 MB
Product Contains:
? 66 Reason 6 Combinator Patches
? 65 Reason 6 MIDI Song Files
? 65 MIDI Files
Please Note:
The Drums featured in the Demo Song are NOT included in this Sample Library.