91Vocals Aquarius (Crystal Vocals) WAV-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | May/11Th/2020 | 569MB


Shimmering with glossy hooks, perfect pop polish and crystalline melodies, Aquarius - Crystal Vocals showcases all new vocal samples recorded and engineered by the 91Vocals team.

Bridging the gap between lyrical hooks and chopped vocal FX, this pack delivers breathy adlibs, short phrased motifs and useful vocal one shots, perfect for adding layers, textures and adding interesting vocal elements to elevate your tracks. Mirroring this air sign of the Zodiac, Aquarius showcases sparkling EQ, heavy tuning, thick stereo widening and crisp compression providing clean modern processing. Bright, airy reverbs and ethereal spatial delays add character to the ‘wet’ performances.

All samples are hand crafted from conception to completion, from the writing and arrangement to the engineering and vocal production, resulting in a detailed and vision inspired vocal collection. With added FX and meticulous attention to detail, this kit stands alone as one of the few vocal packs to offer this level of combined treatment.

Drawing from years of tried and tested vocal chains, we recorded with our favourite selection of high-end analogue gear including an AKG C414 XLII microphone, UA610 tube pre-amp, Teletronix LA2A compressor. As always, these sounds are 100% original and royalty free.

......:::::: Please Note ::::::......
? This is a vocal pack ONLY, other sounds contained within the demo song are for illustration purposes only.

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: (.WAVs)
? 086 x Hooks Vocal Loops:
? 027 x (Dry) - (80BPM)
? 027 x (Wet)
? 019 x (Dry) - (100BPM)
? 019 x (Wet)
? 098 x Phrases Vocal Loops:
? 035 x (Wet) - (80BPM)
? 035 x (Dry)
? 015 x (Wet) - (100BPM)
? 015 x (Dry)
? 042 x Vocal (One-Shots) Samples:
? 022 x (Ad-Libs)
? 010 x (Phrases)
? 010 x (Pitched And FX)
? 226 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total
? Key And Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible
? 100% Royalty-Free

......:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......

官网: https://tinyurl.com/yd2up4mw

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