04 JUNE 2016 | ACID WAV | 400 MB
Atmospherik Mekanisms is a collection of found sounds and processed sound effects crafted by Martin Eve aka 4th Eden. It was created as a part of the project (included an album and the free sound library featured on this page) that he worked on for his final major project for his Creative Music Technology degree.
While creating Atmospherik Mekanisms, Martin was inspired by various musique concrete techniques that were reused in a modern way, in a digital audio environment. The library contains 123 audio samples in 24-bit WAV format, organized into nine categories. Inside the download, you’ll find everything from field recordings and found sounds to sampled analog instruments and digitally processed sound effects.
The amount of excellent audio content in included in Atmospherik Mekanisms is nothing short mind blowing. If you liked some of our previous releases such as Rain And Thunder, Sound Design Tools, Cinematic Sound Effects and Massamolla, we’re quite certain that you’ll fall in love with Martin’s wonderful collection of sounds.
We would hereby like to thank Martin for releasing such an amazing piece of sound design work on 99Sounds. It’s an honor to have this library hosted on our website, and we’re humbled to see that fellow sound designers across the globe are recognizing 99Sounds as a platform for collaboration, creative support, and sharing one’s sound design work with the rest of the world.
About The Author
Martin Eve aka 4th Eden is a North Devon based composer and sound designer. Atmospherik Mekanisms (both the sound library and the album) is a project that was created for the final year of his music technology degree. For more info about Martin’s excellent sound design work and the methods used to craft Atmospherik Mekanisms, check out the in-depth interview published in our Artist Spotlight section.
Technical Details
Atmospherik Mekanisms contains 123 audio samples in 24-bit WAV format. The author used the Zoom H4n field recorder for capturing the sounds, along with various software (including Audacity, Omnisphere 2, Sonar Platinum, and various tools by SoundMorph, among others) for processing the recorded audio material into its final shape.
The samples are organized into twelve folders for easy browsing (FX, Hits, Household, Mechanicals, Morphed, Natural Sounds, Percussives, Reversed Sounds, Rhythmics, Risers, Soundscapes, Tonal Arps). All included samples are 100% royalty free.
官网: http://bedroomproducersblog.com/2016/05/31/99sounds-atmospherik-mekanisms/