A Band Directors Guide to Everything Trombone: A Collection of Interviews with the Experts

English | ASIN: B06ZYZCS7W | 221 pages | EPUB | April 14, 2017 | 0.8 MB


What better way to improve your teaching than through interviews with the world’s foremost players and teachers on a variety of topics specifically tailored towards your needs as a band director or private instructor?

The “Band Director’s Guide” Series from Hitz Publications gives even the most knowledgeable teacher a deeper understanding of how best to teach the instruments in their band.

This book is a follow up to 2011’s acclaimed “A Band Director’s Guide to Everything Tuba: A Collection of Interviews with the Experts” and features interviews with some of the finest trombonists and trombone teachers in the world. Interviews include

Joe Alessi (New York Philharmonic) on Common Mistakes and Slide Technique
Ralph Sauer (Los Angeles Philharmonic) on Trombone Basics and Breathing
John Rojak (American Brass Quintet) on All Things Bass Trombone and Chamber Music
Michael Davis (International Jazz Soloist) on Jazz, Chamber Music and Literature
Harry Watters (U.S. Army Band) on Teaching Improvisation
Pat Sheridan (President's Own Marine Band) on Breathing and Anatomy
Lance LaDuke (Boston Brass and U.S. Air Force Band) on Switching from Euphonium
Steve Dillon (Owner of Dillon Music) on Trombones and Accessories
Andy Bove (Bove Audio) on Recording Equipment and Techniques for Any Budget
Greg Biba (Middle School Director for over 30 Years) on Trombone Repair
Chip De Stefano (Board Member of National Band Association) on a Trombone Playing Band Director’s Observations on Teaching Trombone

官网: https://amzn.to/3Sq4b89

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