Acon Digital Equalize v1.2.2 [WiN-OSX] Incl Keygen-R2R

Team R2R | March 19 2016 | WIN 7.5 MB | OSX 23 MB


Acon Digital Equalize is a parametric equalizer plug-in that combines unique features with excellent workflow and an intuitive user interface. Unlike other equalizers, you can freely adjust not only center frequency, gain and bandwidths, but also the filter slope for each band. The filter slope can be set anywhere from 3 dB to ultra-sharp 120 dB per octave. Needless to say, you can operate Equalize as a zero latency plug-in when using the minimum phase mode or choose to preserve the phase relationships in the linear phase mode.

Equalize goes one step further, though, and introduces the unique mixed phase mode that allows you to set the latency freely in the range 5 to 120 milliseconds while preserving the phase relationships as far as possible. That gives a unique control over potential pre-ringing artifacts which is a common problem with linear phase filtering. Latency values below 20 milliseconds ensure that any pre-ringing is masked by the temporal masking of the human hearing while preserving the time-alignment across the audible frequency range.

Great care has been taken to provide a user interface that is straight forward to use. Band parameters can be adjusted using handles directly in the graphical representation of the frequency response, including bandwidths and filter slopes. A flexible real-time analyzer lets you monitor every aspect of the processing. You can easily switch between full, mid, side, left or right channel processing for each band and Equalize automatically routes the audio signal internally to ensure the best results and lowest possible latency.

Up to twelve independent bands
Freely adjustable gain, frequency, bandwidth, resonance and filter slope
Three different phase modes, including the novel mixed phase mode
Choose channel mode for each band independently (mid, side, left, right or full processing)

New in Version 1.1.12
Fixed occasional CPU overloads in Pro Tools during audio scrubbing
Fixed problem with inactive gain knob in certain situations
Fixed problem with curve updates with disabled analyzers


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