Acustica Audio Desert 2023-R2R

Team R2R | 2024.06.24 | 107.1 MB


Desert is a suite consisting of four different plugins embodying a unique recording and mixing desk from the early 1960s, as well as other rare gear of the same brand. All of the original hardware came from a recording studio located in Lagos, Nigeria that was owned by a famous British record label.

The centerpiece of this project is the recreation of an iconic vintage console module, whih Acustica had the opportunity to samples thanks to the invaluable contribution of music producer, composer and sound engineer Sodi Marciszewer (the owner of this priceless equipment), and Zarma Studio.

In Sodi’s words:

“I was able to acquire this console from a mythical recording studio in Lagos, Nigeria. There, during a session, I noticed this monster from ancient times lurking in a dark corner. I was well aware of its potential: I knew that she was quietly waiting for someone who would take care of her!

I had had the opportunity to work in these studios thanks to my relationship with Nigerian musical icons Fela and Femi Kuti, for whom I produced, recorded and mixed many albums. By continuing my musical commitments in these unique places, I also got to discover other pieces of gear built by the sam company, which employed the same technology… specifically, I found stereo equalizers and opto compressors from another mastering console. I felt deep joy, as if I had stumbled on hidden treasure.”

The Desert suite packs an authentic sampling collection of these ultra-rare modules from mixing and mastering consoles, which are highly sought-after by collectors worldwide. Get the sound of an iconic vintage console assembled with the best elements that British technology had to offer, all in one plugin suite. Desert will give your mix a punchy sound filled with character, and all the unique sonic colors that defined the groundbreaking music of the 1960s.

Note: Acustica has derived 4 different plugins from these unique pieces of hardware: a channel strip, an EQ, a dual-mono compressor and a preamp module.


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