ADSR Sample Manager v1.6.3 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE]

FREE | 31 December 2020 | 107 MB


A Smart Sample Management Tool.
ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI or drag audio directly to your project. Now features a browsable library of millions of loops & samples. Available for VST/AU/AAX and standalone (Ableton Link enabled).

ADSR Sample Manager features:
? Expand your library – Browse a near-unlimited library of sounds
? Find sounds with similar tags
? Automatically tags all your samples in a flash
? All your samples (local or cloud) searchable in an instant
? Standalone or VST/AU/AAX
? Hear samples in the context of your music with MIDI input
? Sync key and BPM to preview samples in context
? ADSR Account integration – browse your purchased samples in the cloud, preview in real time and download what you need.
? Ableton LINK – sync your loops and one-shots with others using multiple devices running Link-enabled software / mobile apps
? Tag by sound type, genre or label
? Detect duplicate samples
? Drag samples directly into your project (raw or processed)
? Key detection and transpose to key
? Use multiple instances directly in your project
? Loops sync to your project tempo
? Quantised start points
? Trim sample start and end points
? Play samples forward, reverse or ping pong
? Order by sample info : type, key, bpm, tag, length, file size and date
? Save your favourite sounds and searches
? Use with services like Splice, Noiiz and Loopcloud
? Instant inspiration with the random button
? Unlock your sample library and find the perfect sound


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