ADSR Sounds Ambient Music Production Techniques TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 19 February 2019 | 279 MB


A good ambient track can literally take you to new mental planes without you even realizing it! Achieving this is no mean feat and requires a solid knowledge of complex processing techniques

In this course we look at different techniques in Ambient music production, focusing on iconic artists and specific creative processes that they use in their work.

From Brian Eno’s pioneering work in the 70s to William Basinski’s Disintegration Loops, this course will walk you through how to process, degrade and transform your sounds and your listeners!

This course will focus on iconic works and methods as a starting point to explore a variety of techniques used in ambient music production.

The artist’s techniques in focus are Brian Eno pioneering work in the 1970’s, Aphex Twins Selected Ambient Works period and the work of William Basinski on his Disintegration Loops record.

If you like processed based approaches, drones, and processes to degrade, and transform textures be sure to check this course out.

Course Features

?Over 1 hour of practical, professional video instruction
?Led by a respected, talented and knowledgeable producer
?6 focused tutorial videos providing useable production techniques and creative tips for ambient music
?Learn at your own pace, watch as many times as you need to learn the lessons

Enoesque Techniques Part 1:

In this and the following video we look at some of the techniques, concepts, and processes used by ambient music pioneer Brian Eno. Topics explored:

?Durational processes
?Aleatoric melodic generation
?Conceptual approaches to arrangement

Enoesque Techniques Part 2:

In this video we continue to explore the methods of Brian Eno. Topics explore:

?Durational processes
?Aleatoric melodic generation
?Conceptual approaches to arrangement

Selected Ambient Works Part I:

The next 2 videos focus on the work of Aphex Twin during his Selected Ambient Works period. From quite simple starting textures we look at some of the key methods that appear on this record. Atmosphere, synthesis, reverb and distortion/saturation at explored.

Selected Ambient Works Part II:

In this video we continue our exploration of Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works period. We expand on the processes introduced in the previous video.

Disintegration Part I:

The next 2 videos take as their inspiration William Basinski’s record Disintegration Loops. These pieces were based on the disintegration of analog tape as it was being digitised. I demonstrate the technique based on Ableton’s Looper device to allow the exploration of ever evolving processes of transformation and decay.

Disintegration Part II:

In this 2nd video we develop and expand on the techniques developed in the previous video whose inspiration comes from William Basinski’s record Disintegration Loops. Saturation, distortion decay and disintegration of existing material is explored.


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