ADSR Sounds Mastering Wavetable Synthesis in Serum TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | March 03 2017 | 4.53 GB


Two of the most common questions people have once they start working with Serum are ‘How do I know which wavetable to use in Serum and when?’ followed by ‘How do I know what the warp modes are going to do to that wavetable?’

Led by Echo Sound Works, this 2.5 hour video course will help you answer those questions and set you up to master wavetables synthesis using Serum.

Want your technical skills to match your creative aspirations? Get more out of Serum and improve the way you approach sound synthesis skills with proven techniques, tips and tricks. Check out Mastering Wavetable Synthesis in Serum now!

Course Overview

If you are using Serum like a virtual analog synth like Sylenth or Diva you’re missing out on the vast creative potential that Serum’s wavetables and warp modes possess.

From the foundations of wavetable synthesis to making your own custom wavetables and everything in between, this course teaches you how to use powerful and creative tools to make interesting and unique sounds for your productions.

The end result is a masterclass that will show you how to own wavetable synthesis and how to make Serum work for you to achieve your specific creative goals.
Course Features

Over 150 Minutes of professional video instruction
19 in-depth videos divided into 3 Complete Modules that explain the theory and demonstrate useable creative techniques for working with Serum’s wavetables and warp modes
Understand Wavetable Synthesis
Understand Warp Modes In Serum
Learn to create Custom Wavetables In Serum
Learn at your own pace, watch as many times as you need to learn the lessons


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