Adventure Kid Waveform Collection-0RGan1c

0RGan1c | October 10th, 2014 | Varies in Mb


Hello All,

Its 0RGan1c.

Im still on strike as many of the releasers here are. But publicly available stuff should go up and bring even more attention to the great devs and designers out there.

This will be split up by instrument and full waveform packs.

You probably want to download one of the all in one pack. It contains all the single cycle wave forms. The wave format work with many samplers and synths and there are some packages containing samples formatted for ones that need a different format. I choose to sample thes waveforms at D2+2 which equals 600 samples. The biggest reason for that was because I was using Fibonacci sequences to build sounds. As the synths, samplers and computers got better at handling single cycle wave forms it made less sense but I kept the standard of 600 samples anyway.

These waveforms took a great amount of time to sample and I would like to continue this and similar projects, if you want to make that easier for me please please consider to make a small donation.

Wave format (all in one) (suitable for many synthesizers and samplers such as Native Instrument Reaktor, Mutable Instruments Shruti, Image lines Sytrus, Image Line Monomachine, Big Tick Rhino, U-he Zebra, Camel Audio Alchemy, Image Line Harmor, Image Line Harmless, Image Line 3xOsc, Elektron Octatrack, Ableton Sampler, Blip Interactive Nanostudio, Single Cell Software Caustic etc.)

Installation varies by product.


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