FREE | 29 September 2023 | 228 MB
Welcome to Airwindopedia! This is a complilation of the plugin-related bits from all my plugin posts. As such, this is as close to a full documentation of the Airwindows plugins as you'll find. In some cases I'll have added explanation, or I might be able to expand on things as this develops. Bear with me as I must do this while also doing everything else, and it will always be on me: as an open source dev, my experience is that people don't really step up to do the tedious stuff across entire libraries, so Airwindopedia is there because I went through all the posts to consolidate them in one place for you :)
We will start with some basic categorization: you can look these up below for further instruction. We'll use the categorization that was used in Surge Synthesizer when organizing my plugins for their purposes, but I will continue and mention plugins not used in Surge Synthesizer if I feel they fit the category. They won't be in alphabetical order, but in order of how well they fit the category and how good they are, and there will be plugins showing up in multiple categories and ones that don't appear at all.
Actually it turns out that other devs can use this file to do amazing things like populate menus and fill in entries for help files, so what you see below will end up including ALL the plugins eventually. Again, they're roughly in order of goodness, so try the ones at the beginning of the list first: those are also likely to be the most recent ones :)
# Categories
Ambience: TapeDelay2, Doublelay, PitchDelay, SampleDelay, BrightAmbience3, TripleSpread, Melt, MV2, MV, ADT, kChamberAR, StereoChorus, PurestEcho, TapeDelay, StarChild2, StarChild, Hombre, BrightAmbience2, BrightAmbience, StereoEnsemble, StereoDoubler, Chorus, ChorusEnsemble, Ensemble
Amp Sims: GrindAmp, FireAmp, LeadAmp, CrickBass, LilAmp, MidAmp, BigAmp, Cabs, BassDrive, BassAmp
Bass: OrbitKick, Hermepass, BassKit, DubCenter, DubSub, Floor, Infrasonic, FathomFive
Biquads: BiquadPlus, Biquad, BiquadDouble, BiquadOneHalf, BiquadTriple, Biquad2
Brightness: PlatinumSlew, DeBess, GoldenSlew, SlewSonic, Acceleration2, DeEss, Smooth, EverySlew, Slew3, Slew2, Slew, Air2, Air, PurestAir, Acceleration, DeHiss, Hypersonic, HypersonX, Ultrasonic, UltrasonicLite, UltrasonicMed, UltrasonX
Clipping: ClipOnly2, ClipSoftly, OneCornerClip, ADClip7, AQuickVoiceClip, ClipOnly
Consoles: Console8LiteChannel, Console8LiteBuss, Console8BussHype, Console8BussIn, Console8BussOut, Console8ChannelHype, Console8ChannelIn, Console8ChannelOut, Console8SubHype, Console8SubIn, Console8SubOut, Console0Channel, Console0Buss, PurestConsole3Buss, PurestConsole3Channel, PurestConsole2Buss, PurestConsole2Channel, Console7Buss, Console7Channel, Console7Cascade, Console7Crunch, PurestConsoleBuss, PurestConsoleChannel,Console6Buss, Console6Channel, PDBuss, PDChannel, Console5Buss, Console5Channel, Console5DarkCh, C5RawBuss, C5RawChannel, AtmosphereBuss, AtmosphereChannel,
Console4Buss, Console4Channel, EveryConsole
Distortion: Distortion, Edge, Dirt, Mackity, Density2, Density, Drive, Loud, Hard Vacuum, HighImpact, MultiBandDistortion
Dithers: Dark, PaulWide, PaulDither, TPDFWide, TPDFDither, NotJustAnotherDither, NotJustAnotherCD, Beam, TapeDither, SpatializeDither, VinylDither, DoublePaul, Ditherbox, BuildATPDF, NodeDither, StudioTan, DitherMeTimbers, DitherMeDiskers, RawTimbers, RawGlitters, NaturalizeDither, HighGlossDither, DitherFloat
Dynamics: Pop2, Pressure5, Dynamics, Pop, DigitalBlack, Logical4, VariMu, ButterComp2, curve, Recurve, Pyewacket, BlockParty, SoftGate, Thunder, Compresaturator, DrumSlam, ButterComp, BrassRider, Point, Gatelope, PodcastDeluxe, Podcast, Swell, PurestSquish, Pressure4, Surge, SurgeTide
Effects: GalacticVibe, Fracture2, Dubly, Pafnuty2, PitchNasty, GuitarConditioner, Aura, TremoSquare, Tremolo, GlitchShifter, Gringer, Exciter, Energy2, Energy, Facet, Fracture, PowerSag2, PowerSag, Preponderant, Nikola
Filter: Baxandall2, Capacitor2, Pear, ResEQ2, SubTight, CStrip2, Weight, Isolator2, Holt2, Holt, ToneSlant, AverMatrix, Average, MackEQ, Baxandall, Hull, EQ, Capacitor, Isolator, TapeFat, ResEQ, Lowpass2, Highpass2, Distance2, Distance, Lowpass, Highpass
Lo-Fi: Pockey2, Flutter, CrunchyGrooveWear, GrooveWear, Pockey, DeRez2, BitGlitter, DeRez, ChromeOxide, Cojones, Vibrato, Bite, Deckwrecka, DustBunny
Noise: Noise, Texturize, TexturizeMS, VoiceOfTheStarship, DarkNoise, ElectroHat, Silhouette, TapeDust
Reverb: kPlateD, kPlateB, kPlateA, kPlateC, Verbity2, Galactic2, Galactic, Verbity, Chamber2, Chamber, Infinity2, NonlinearSpace, Infinity, MatrixVerb, PocketVerbs, Reverb
Saturation: Creature, Huge, NCSeventeen, Tube2, Tube, Spiral2, PurestDrive, Focus, Mojo, Dyno, Spiral, UnBox, Desk4, Righteous4
Stereo: Srsly, Srsly2, Wider, StereoFX, ToVinyl4, AutoPan, LRFlipTimer, Sidepass, SideDull
Subtlety: Hype, Shape, Inflamer, Sweeten, PurestWarm2, PurestWarm, Coils2, Interstage, PhaseNudge, Remap, SingleEndedTriode, Coils, Desk, TransDesk, TubeDesk
Tape: ToTape6, FromTape, Tape, IronOxideClassic2, IronOxide5, ToTape5, IronOxideClassic
Tone Color: BussColors4, Channel9, Apicolypse, Neverland, Elation, Calibre, Cider, Crystal, Precious, Luxor, Channel8, Channel7, Channel6, Channel5, Channel4
Utility: Monitoring3, Monitoring2, Monitoring, BitShiftPan, BitShiftGain, PurestGain, PurestFade, EveryTrim, HermeTrim, SlewOnly, SubsOnly, PeaksOnly, Golem, DCVoltage, EdIsDim, MidSide, uLawEncode, uLawDecode, RightoMono, LeftoMono, Balanced, Flipity, MoNoam, VoiceTrick
XYZ Filters: ZBandpass2, ZHighpass2, ZLowpass2, ZNotch2, ZRegion2, ZBandpass, ZHighpass, ZLowpass, ZNotch, ZRegion, YBandpass, YHighpass, YLowpass, YNotch, XBandpass. XHighpass, XLowpass, XNotch, XRegion