Ample Sound ABU2 v2.5.0 Incl.Keygen WiN

P2P | March 15 2017 | 2.25 GB


Ample Bass Upright is a virtual upright bass instrument.

ABU has a 4.26 GB sample library which is naturally recorded on every single fret. No destructive editing and dynamic processing are applied.
Features 6 articulations: Sustain, Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out.
The Legato articulations can be used to achieve legato notes of any duration, speed, pitch and polyphony.
Alternate Tuning.


New sample engine applied to both plugged and unplugged
ABU is designed from the ground up to be the most versatile bass virtual instrument available today with a new level of expressiveness. ABU not only performs as an extraordinary acoustic instrument by playback partially from mic samples, but also as an electric instrument by playback partially from DI samples, creating a more dynamic and subtle playing experience. Furthermore, users can mix and process Mics and DI separately to get a variety of sound.
Multiple stereo and mono modes
ABU uses more mics to record every detail of upright bass from neck, body and ambience and provides 2 stereo modes and 2 mono modes on mix interface. Users can adjust volumes of mics and width to get more options in stereo mode, in which ABU has rich expressiveness even for solo. For mono modes, ABU can play an important role of middle-low end in a band steadily.
Fretless slide system
Different from any other product of Ample Sound, ABU's slide mechanism is designed specifically for fretless instrument which can reproduce the smoothness of fretless legato with any duration, speed, pitch and polyphony.
New designed EQ
New designed EQ can process Mic and DI channels separately. By highlighting strong parts while avoiding weak parts, it can further refine sound.
Tab Player
Redesigned Tab Player for bass tab. All articulations and notations are supported by the tab player. Realistic Tab playback can be achieved through fine parameter adjustments and humanizations.

Ample Sound has released free version 2.5 updates for all six of its virtual bass instruments.

The updates include a new module, Riffer, a riff generator featuring MIDI edit of stringed instruments, multiple formats conversion, automatic riff creation, etc. The initial update includes 500 classic riffs.

Other news in 2.5 Update:

Ample Metal Ray5 Bass adds some new samples. Users need to install the full installer to upgrade.
New Tab Player UI, added Tab to Riff feature.
User need to install Bass_Riffs_Installer for the presets.

Checked in Windows 10 X64


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