FREE | 5 October 2022 | 29 MB
Here is CHANNEV!
Ultimate channel-strip with Mic Preamp, De-Esser, Line-Amp, 4 band equalizer, Compressor, Limiter and Tape Saturation!
- Simple trim screw on preamp section will set input level.
- Mic preamp with 60dB Virtual Gain, PAD, and Phase Invert. Also, Pre-EQ (Low Shelf/High Shelf) and HPF/LPF.
- De-Esser with Bell and Soft options. It will help you to tame highs!
- 4 Band 81 Style Eq with variable frequency instead limited selectable frequencies. While Low and High bands have bell option, mid bands have Hi-Q option. Also, included Post-Filter same as Pre-Filter.
- Limiter and Compressor based on 2264 but now totally independent and each has its own external side-chain.
- Latest module is Tape Saturation. It will help you add tape saturation and glue overall signal.
- Fixed 2X light oversampling to keep CPU lower
You can see "ROUTING" to understand signal-chain.
Available Formats
VST/VST3/AU | Mac 10.9 - 11.X
VST/VST3 | Windows 7 - 8 - 10
VERSION 1.5 - 3.10.2022
- Fixed crashes because of GUI
Version 1.5 covers only GUI part. If you are happy with Version 1.4 and there are no crashes, DO NOT install Version 1.5.
Version 1.5 requires Metal for Mac.