FREE | 7 November 2023 | 12.9 MB
Forgotten Beast Alive!
70s era FET Limiter/Compressor from UK!
Colorful and all around Limiter/Compressor for every source.
It was my first re-design while I build hardwares. But in digital version, I changed little bit. Just removed INPUT and added THRESHOLD. Normally, THRESHOLD is fixed and you can adjust compression level by driving INPUT.
Now, it's more versatile but still colorful!
- ATTACK: 20us to 200ms
- RELEASE: 25ms to 500ms
- THRESHOLD: +10dB to -30dB
- RATIO: 1:1 to 20:1
- External Sidechain
- ANALOG OBSESSION: This label is clickable. It will turn to red and engage Oversampling (4x)
Resizable interface. Simple "Bottom Right Corner Handle" to resize. 50% to 200%.
*Resizing Tip: When you duplicate plug-in, it will remember current state of GUI size. But if you load new instance, it will be opened at default size. To get rid of this issue, simply follow these steps;
1. Open plug-in for the first time
2. Resize GUI according to your screen resolution or you liking before setting any knobs
3. Save this state as default preset with your DAW
Now, you will be able to load new instances with same size.
(If you want to go default size, simply double click to resize handle.)
Version 1.0 - 7.11.2023
Available Formats
VST3 / AU / AAX Native - Audiosuite | Mac 10.11 - 13.X | Intel / Apple Silicon
VST3 / AAX Native - Audiosuite | Windows 10 - 11
Mac Versions require a graphic card that supports “Metal”
Windows Versions require a graphic card that supports “OpenGL”