DISCOVER | 15/August/2020 | 104MB
We present to your attention a stunning long-awaited template in the style of ARMADA Label (ASOT). This template shows how to create a professional melodic chords, bass and rhythm section, and also includes a complete arrangement with chain effects, MIDI data, automation, samples and presets.
Through the study of templates from Ancore Sounds, you will learn how create your own high-quality tracks. After purchasing this product, you can freely use all sounds and presets from this pack in your commercial works and projects.
......:::::: Used Plug-Ins ::::::......
? Reveal Sound Spire
? Lennar Digital Sylenth1
? Native Instruments Massive
? reFX Nexus
? Sonic Academy A.N.A
? JP6K
? Spectrasonics Omnisphere
? TP BassLane
? Nicky Romero KickStart
? Sonalksis Creative Filter
? Classic Delay
? ValhallaVintageVerb
? ArtsAcousticReverb
? Toraverb
? FabFilter Pro-Q
? FabFilter Pro-Q 2
? Waves 9
? PC & Mac Compatible
? Requirements: Image-Line FL Studio or higher.
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