Arturia Augmented BRASS v1.2.1.5024-TeamCubeadooby

TeamCubeadooby | 08.2024 | 2.16 GB


Augmented BRASS
Acoustic instruments reinvented
Augmented BRASS delivers a rich variety of expressive, unique, and powerful brass sounds for modern production and composition, uniting beautifully recorded samples, bold synth engines, and seamless morphing between them.

Air and metal
like you’ve never heard it
Go from evocative chamber trumpets to huge cinematic ensembles, somber melodies to thunderous synth-infused fanfares, essential brass tones to experimental textures unheard - all in the same place. Augmented BRASS morphs beautifully-recorded samples and powerful synth engines into captivating and refreshing sounds for your composition, production, and sound exploration.

sound between the valves
Navigate the exciting sonic territory between each of Augmented BRASS’ elements with the central Morph control.

Easy, hands-on, creative.
Brass that can be transformed, customized, and animated in seconds.

Augmented BRASS is designed to deliver the powerful, authentic brass sounds you need, but give you the flexibility to push your sound into new territory when you need to - in as little time as possible.

sound design
Rearrange, modulate, and customize every aspect of your hybrid ensemble.

Augmented BRASS’ simple interface and diverse preset library brings quick results to keep your flow moving - but when you want to get complex, you can. The Advanced panel takes you deep into the inner workings of the instrument, giving you detailed control over your sound sources, modulation, performance, and beyond.

Capturing the essence
of brass
This isn't just a detailed sample library; this is a collection of diverse, authentic, and modern brass recordings, from the wonderful to the weird, performed by a dynamic and expressive ensemble.

Your production-ready
brass library
For when you need immediate results to get that project finished, Augmented BRASS’ preset library contains hundreds of expertly-crafted presets, from ideal bread-and-butter brass to dense hybrid textures - all at the touch of a button.

x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge | NKS

Just install! Arturia Software Center not required.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable 14.29.30135.0
is a dependency. Have that or greater 2015-2019 installed
and ready to go, first. x64 iteration, of course.

As with all Arturia products seen here, the .dll is the same
1:1 byte for byte with the .vst3. This means you can symlink
from the ProgramData folder to the plugin folders, even across
VST2 to 3 or vice-versa, as long as you rename in that case.
If this is confusing to you, forget it and rock on still.

Rock on! - TCD

P.S. Presets, samples and other miscellaneous files that other Arturia products
might need can never be uninstalled. This is intended to be cleanest as possible
for when a time might come that you want to remove the release for a newer one -
or even just remove it. Nothing will get lost but you will have to do a tiny bit
of manual checking if you want a cleaned out system of everything.

Long and short: It is to protect your presets, samples, files and system
integrity with respect to other Arturia stuff.


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