Ask Video Korg Prologue 101 Korg Prologue Video Manual TUTORiAL

FANTASTiC | 13 April 2019 | 1.18 GB


The Korg Prologue offers unique features not found on any other synth. Learn everything about this analog monster with keyboardist and trainer Matt Vanacoro… and take your sound design skills to the next level!

The Korg Prologue 8 and Prologue 16 synths combine powerful analog circuitry with a newly developed digital Multi Engine that lets you import and create new waveforms. This in-depth course, by synth expert Matt Vanacoro will give you the knowledge to use the limitless sound design possibilities of Korg's new flagship analog synth!

First, Matt starts at the very beginning by explaining how to hook up the Prologue with your gear. After exploring the presets and teaching you the basics of subtractive synthesis, Matt dives right into sound design. You learn ALL controls and features of the synth: the VCOs, the filter, the LFO, the arpeggiator, the effect section, the unique Multi Engine, the LF comp and everything in between. Next, you get the chance to learn some very useful sound design tips by watching Matt create everything from aggressive leads to deep pads and earth-shaking basses. You also learn how to get expressive with the mod-wheel, how to import new waveforms, how to use the bundled software librarian, and more...

So if you want to learn the Korg Prologue inside out, this course by expert trainer Matt Vanacoro was tailored-made for you! And it’s also an excellent course if you simply want to learn more about synthesis.


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