Ask Video Vital 101 Vital Explored TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 16 January 2021 | 506 MB


Vital is an amazing new spectral warping wavetable synthesizer from Matt Tytel. To harness the power of this synth, you "vitally" NEED to watch this course by producer and sound designer Rishabh Rajan!

Vital is so good you could say it's an essential synth to have in your sonic toolkit... and with a free version available, it's a no-brainer really! In fact, this synth is so deep and packs so many features, we had to ask one of favorite synth experts to uncover all this synthesis power for you. So join Rishabh in this Vital Explored course, and learn to stretch, shift and warp your sound into something uniquely yours!

Rishabh starts the course by exploring the very well laid out user interface, and by explaining the signal flow of the synth. You learn all about the oscillators and the very unique Transpose and Global Snap features. Next, you learn to shape and morph your sound the way you want. Rishabh shows you how to create your own wavetables from scratch, and even how to generate them from text.

Continuing with the course, you explore everything the synth has to offer: the different filter types, the extensive modulation possibilities, the FX section, the advanced options... and more. And after showing you the synth inside out, Rishabh ends the course with a very intricate sound design example of his own.

So get ready to learn Vital! Master spectral warping wavetable synthesis now with this course, by trainer and producer Rishabh Rajan.


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