TeamCubeadooby | 08.2024 | 316 MB
x64: AAX, VST3
Uninstall any and all of the items coinciding with the "Included"
list below, which includes the Boutique bundle too, then just install!Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable
v14.32.31332.0 (x64) or greater installed to
machine, is necessary.TCD Notes:
It has been discovered that the manuals are not opening properly for some
titles. The reason is simple: TCD has followed past releases from other teams,
instead of following the developer's drop location for the manuals.TCD has been placing them in Program Files 64-bit as other teams have done,
but then also using "official" registry entries. These two procedures
do not coincide, resulting in incorrect locations for the manuals. They
cannot open like this, so the plugins decide to open the website for
the product instead, under this condition. Credit to Audified for their
secondary plan here, TCD should say. (It wouldn't otherwise cause anything
wrong, but still cool.)So this release fixes all that jazz properly. And besides, a bundle
is a bundle, saving efforts so there's that.The Boutique Bundle icon has been updated to reflect that there are now
4 items in it, rather than how there were 3.The report about the recent release of GK crashing Cubase 12 upon
unload is unfounded. It is tested thoroughly on that DAW as all the popular
others. First course of action here is to ensure your system's
conformity to the above C++ requirement. You might also have some
very old file in PD/user folders/whatever whatever. The included plugins
for that in this release are the same files, as all the titles are
from previous (final) releases.Rock on and enjoy! -TCD