Audio Damage AD040 QuatroMod v1.0.3 WiN-OSX RETAiL-SYNTHiC4TE

SYNTHiC4TE | August 26 2018 | 32 MB


Take our classic Liquid through-zero flanger, Fluid multi-mod chorus, Vapor diffusion chorus, and FreqShift frequency shifter (from our Eurorack hardware line) and put them all in one plug-in, and you have a true powerhouse of stereo-insert modulation.

FLANGER: The through-zero flanger mode is our Liquid plugin in all its glory, with Haas Effect "Offset" control and invertible feedback for extra widening.

CHORUS: The chorus mode, based on our original chorus product, Fluid, later extended in to the Dimensions module for Eurorack, has six delay lines modded at different rates for one of the thickest stereo choruses available. The DIM-D mode does what you'd expect, changing the topology to match that venerated box, but with all the control of a modern chorus.

DIFFUSOR: Our Vapor plugin, recreated here as the Diffusor mode, is essentially the diffusion block from a reverb, rewired to act as a chorus. The secret snare weapon of many a producer, this mode is an unique effect that will reward experimentation.

FREQSHIFT: One of our most popular Eurorack-format hardware modules, here thoroughly reworked for the DAW context. Once you use this mode in a slight upwards shift on pads, and you'll never use anything else.

Available for nearly all modern plugin formats, QuatroMod is a convenient one-stop shop for all your modulation needs. With a vector-based resizable user interface, Retina- and 4K-capable scaling, and a platform-agnostic preset mechanism, QuatroMod will quickly become your go-to mod plugin.


QuatroMod (desktop versions) has been updated to 1.0.3. Changes include graphics bug fixes on Windows, and an updated preset browser on all versions.


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