AUDIO PLUGIN UNION wizardFX Suite v1.1.10-R2R

Team R2R | 23 Sep 2024 | 37.5MB


Apply an effect, hear the result, get inspired
For experimentation, fast mixing or adding final touches: The wizardFX Suite ensures versatile dynamic, coloration and modulation effects based on a revolutionary operational concept. Quickly choose a preset and adjust the intensity level with a single controller. Simple operation, impressive tone – the boost to your mix-for more creativity!

To calm the wild ups and downs of danceable sounds on one end, the other holds pulsing levels in check and smooths dynamic waves with a steady hand. wizardFX Dynamics are both yin and yang, working with naturally impulsive spikes and as equalization for different volume levels, depending on the desired sound.

Experiment with individual parameters, as part of the coreFX Suite.

wizardFX VolumeFormer
For pads that rise and fall rhythmically and basses that pulsate to the beat of the kick drum – that's the wizardFX VolumeFormer is at work, providing gating and sidechaining without any complicated routing.

wizardFX Compressor
The wizardFX Compressor is designed to keep the dynamics in check without losing control. It adjusts loud and quiet passages and adds more punch to rhythm instruments.

wizardFX Limiter
In order to limit excessive level peaks, the wizardFX Limiter cuts off the peaks of an audio signal almost inaudibly and losslessly to help achieve more loudness. This makes it ideal for mastering purposes in the last position in the signal chain.

wizardFX Gate
Reduce noise and ensure clear signals: The wizardFX Gate helps to keep noise at bay during vocal recordings and reduce cross-talk when recording with several microphones. Also perfect for creative stutter effects!


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