Avid Classic Compressors Bundle v11.1.80701 x64 AAX-AudioUTOPiA

Team AudioUTOPiA | 19 Dec 2015 | 41.0MB


Classic Compressors look, sound, and work just like the real thing. Whether you're just learning to use compression or a seasoned pro polishing a final mix, you'll love these time-proven designs.

The BF-2A is modeled after one of the most popular compressors in the industry — the renowned LA-2A. The BF-2A tube compressor plug-in’s vintage sound delivers incredible warmth and classic compression with the convenience and flexibility that only a software plug-in can offer.

A prized component of the award-winning Classic Compressors line, the BF-3A plug-in adds a smoothness and sonic texture that makes sounds jump right out of the mix. Famous for its unique sonic imprint on guitar, piano, vocals and drums, the BF-3A sounds great on any voice or instrument and is an ideal go-to leveling amplifier for all your Pro Tools projects.

Purple Audio MC77
The Purple Audio MC77 is meticulously modeled and personally approved by Andrew Roberts of Purple Audio, Inc. It is a spot-on digital replica of Roberts’ acclaimed MC77 Limiting Amplifier, which in turn is an update of his classic MC76 hardware unit. Representing a different take on the 1176-style FET limiter, Purple Audio MC77 gives you access to all the goodness of the original with the convenience and flexibility only a plug-in can offer.

Fairchild 660 and 670
Designed in the early 1950s, the Fairchild 660 and 670 are variable-mu limiters. Variable-mu designs use an unusual form of vacuum tube that is capable of changing its gain dynamically. The result? In addition to featuring a tube output stage like the BF-2A, the Fairchild actually achieves gain reduction through the use of tubes! Of course, these no-compromise replicas capture every detail of these legendary pieces of studio gear.

官网: https://www.avid.com/US/products/Classic-Compressors-Bundle

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