Ayaic Ceilings Of Sound PRO v0.6.1-R2R

Team R2R | 15 Nov 2023 | 5.4MB


COS PRO HYPER-EQ: Incredible EQ Power!
Ceilings Of Sound Pro is our first Hyper-EQ and a truly unique equalizer, designed to streamline your editing and capture detail & presence in your mix. It is also the first equalizer to incorporate the spectrum of noise as equalization "knobs".

* 15 user-definable "ceiling" bands containing 49 noise-slopes each allow you to create sonic-ceiling shapes that drive the settings of a 50/31-band graphic equalizer. The EQ operates at 0 latency, low CPU load yet are hi-precision, even at low frequencies where it really matters.

* A "conform spectrum to ceiling" feature conforms the EQ to your ceiling shape with the click of a button.

* 49 ceiling guides help you balance your ceiling shapes to equalize faster and better than ever. This means whether you're working with one of our hundreds of presets, one of your own created presets or simple manipulating the ceiling shape of your raw audio during mix-down/mastering, perfect equalization is a "click" away.

We are certain that once you begin using Ceilings Of Sound Pro you'll quickly discover why it's called a Hyper-EQ.

Ceilings Of Sound Pro is optimized for multiple instances during projects with large track-counts and its controls are intuitive, allowing you to quickly adjust crossover & slope parameters or type in values.

A witch says,

* No iLok Driver installation is required to run.

* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than legit version.

官网: https://www.ayaicinc.com/cos-pro

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