WAV MiDi Portal and Zenology Banks | AudioZ Exclusive | 103.68 MB
Introducing the Trap Reimagined ToolKit. This is the Trap Kit you've been looking for that will make cooking up fun again !
Trap Reimagined Contains:
* 80+ One-Shots that make sound selection too easy
* Reimagined Zenology Bank. Actual hacks. Like your cheating if you use these sounds. They’re too crazy??
* 20 ACTUALLY USEABLE Portal Presets to bring your melody patterns to life
* 30+ Phrases/Starters to cure your melody block
* 80+ Drum Shots that always sound crazy on the car speakers ??
* 40+ Melody Midis (.midi files) Basically aimbot fr ?? These are the exact patterns to make absolute heat
This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member r34. Please show him some love
官网: https://audiovault.co/products/trap-reimagined-toolkit