Beat Machine v1.3.1 iOS

P2P | 22-09-2014 | 14,6 MB


Beat-Machine is a powerful vintage beat box emulation for iOS. It combines a simple X0X sequencer and a flexible sample player with high quality FX and comprehensive support for iOS audio and MIDItechnologies. Beat-Machine perfectly captures the simplicity and power of the early digital samplers that pushed the limits of beat makers creativity during the early days of hip hop, giving you an easy way to incorporate old school beats into your iOS productions.

? Simple X0X sequencer: Drag your finger across the grid to draw your beats! Each step also has adjustable pitch and velocity parameters that can be manually edited or played using the 16 Levels feature.
? Multiple time signatures supported: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/8, and 7/8 time are available so you can create traditional pop or just get weird
? Tap tempo
? Up to 99 measures per pattern with a measure seek control
? Measure copy
? Song mode: String your saved patterns together on a timeline to create songs. You can also mix patterns of different time signatures into a song.
? Inter App Audio tempo sync / timeline integration: Sync Beat-Machines sequencer with the sequencer of IAA host apps
? "Feel" algorithm emulates the subtle timing variances in the clocks of vintage beat boxes
? Feel algorithm also works on MIDI output
? Classic Swing algorithm
? Extra fancy sample player: Each pad has non-destructive trim, reverse, ADSR, resonant filter, sample rate decimator, bit crusher, and interpolation
? Load .wav samples of any sample rate and bit depths up to 24 bit
? Turn off sound interpolation to emulate vintage samplers that couldn't interpolate samples at variable playback speeds (extra old school)
? Dial in vintage crunch with sample rate decimation / bit crushing
? Analog style ADSR works like a transient designer / compressor, allowing you to add a percussive transient to any sample (punchy!)
? Variable sample playback speed
? Audiobus 2 with state saving
? Audioshare (the best)
? Mute Matrix for programming pads to mute other pads
? Global sample rate can be set to 44.1kHz, 32kHz, 24kHz, or 22.05kHz for even more crunchy lofi sounds!

Note: this only works when Beat-Machine is in control of the audio session. When used with Audiobus and other audio apps the sample rate will always default to 44.1kHz.

? Full mixer with volume, pan, delay send and reverb send
? Extra smooth concert hall reverb algorithm modeled after the concert hall preset from the classic Lexicon 224
? Digital Delay with feedback filter
? New IAP: Drum Synthesizer! Create classic analog drum sounds and trigger them with the sequencer (iPad only) or sample the sounds you create to pads (all devices). Makes the fattest 808 kicks.
? New IAP: Time / Pitch / Vinyl! Change the duration of an audio sample without changing the pitch or change the pitch without changing the duration. This uses the classic (offline) timestretching algorithms found on old MPC's and other vintage samplers that gave so many classic hip hop beats "that sound." It also includes a vinyl record emulator that processes the audio sample rather than just overlay hiss and crackle on top of it. Dust, hiss, electrical interference, record wear and groove distortion are all adjustable to add a little crackle to your audio samples... or destroy them.

? Comprehensive MIDI support: MIDI IN / MIDI OUT / Virtual MIDI / Clock Sync supported through Core MIDI accessories and Inter App Audio

It is recommended that you have AT LEAST an iPad 3 / iPhone 5 for best performance, especially if you're going to use 24 bit samples and trigger the synth while using other audio apps.


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