XPN | AudioZ Exclusive | 1.19 GB
MPC Expansion: BIG ROOM SYNTHS - 1.4 GB Best-Of for Techno, Trance and EDM
When it comes to Techno, Trance and EDM, one thing is clear: you need huge sounds! But not only that, they should also be individual. That's why we didn't hesitate to marry our modular studio rack with analogue synths to combine both worlds and sample the best sounds. The result are 96 basses, synths and pads that can be used to pimp any track. Have fun!
Product details:
1.4 GB Samples (optimised for MPC's)
91 Keygroup Programs
52 Leads & Synths
15 Basses
12 Chords
4 Atmos & FX
3 Guitars
3 Pads
2 Drums
546 Samples
Compatible with Akai MPC One, X, Live, Live mkII, Force, Studio, Touch, Software, MPC Beats & Renaissance
This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member ULTRA
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官网: https://zamplersounds.sellfy.store/p/mpc-expansion-big-room-synhs-1-4-gb-best-of-analog-modular/