XPN | AudioZ Exclusive | 914.81 MB
MPC Expansion: ENSONIQ SQ-1 – 66 crystal Mallets, Pads & E-Pianos for Ambient, House & RnB
That flavour! Did you ever enjoy the joy of playing an Ensoniq SQ-1? If not, then here’s your chance! The seriously weighty workstation features loads of crystal-like bells, glassy pianos, synthetic orchestra sounds and pads as creamy’n'soft as butter – all of whom are of great use for contemporary music, especially Ambient, House, RnB and Hip-Hop. Not least due to the recording of the sounds through our SPL and Universal Audio outboard gear.
1,06 GB Samples for Ambient, House, RnB & Hip-Hop (optimised for MPCs)
66 crystal mallets, pads & e-pianos for Ambient, House & RnB
22 soft as butter pads
15 clean leads & synths
14 glassy keys
8 powerful basses
2 guitars
5 wind instruments
396 Samples (optimised for MPCs)
Compatible with UVI Falcon, Native Instruments Kontakt, Steinberg HALion and all samplers that load SFZ files
This exclusive release was generously supplied to us by our member ULTRA
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