Team: CHiC | Date: 06.27.2003 | Size: 396,3 MB
Didgeridoos, bullroarers, jawharps, doo drums, Native American flutes & more.
Embark upon a sonic adventure that takes you from the desert plains right into the studio! This Australian and Native American collection is like no other- the most stirring sounds and loops from Australian didgeridoos, bullroarers, jawharps, doo drums, Native American flutes, drums, shakers and rattles.
This is a full library of the most unique performances and multi-samples available. Each sample contains all the authenticity of its native origins while holding to the highest standard of recording quality.
- Didgeridoo Drones
- Burble Didgeridoo Drones
- Didgeridoo Grooves
- Didgeridoo Horn Notes
- Didgeridoo Horn Grooves
- Didgeridoo Wild
- Doo Drums
- Bullroarer
- Native American Flute Notes
- Native American Flute Performances
- Native American Flute Wild
- Native American Drums
- Native American Shakers
- Native American Rattles
- Jawharp Notes
- Jawharp Grooves
- Wood Percussion