Bingoshakerz Future And G-House WAV MiDi XFER RECORDS SERUM-DISCOVER

DISCOVER | August/12th/2017 | 269MB


We are proud to present our latest - Future & G-House! Jam-packed with 400Mb+ of booming sounds, Vst presets, MIDI's and construction kits - this collection delivers hybrid pack of big, bold & phat Future House & G-House drops.

Loaded with 5 fully mixed and mastered construction kits broken down into: whooping G-House bass loops, FM-synth loops, crisp hat & percussion loops, groovy no-kick top loops, solid kick drums, drum fills & vocals. MIDI files are included for maximum programming ease.

This collection also includes 213 individual single bass, synth and drum sounds which are ready to be loaded in any sampler or DAW. Last but not least - Future & G-House also features 22 Vst patches for enormously popular - xFer 'Serum' Vst.

Inspired by the likes of Nu Kid, Tchami, Brohug or Chocolate Puma - Future & G-House has every element to enhance and spark your inner creativity up.

......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: WAVs/MIDIs/Synthesizer VSTi Presets
? 005 x Construction Kits (Including: Stems/Loops, MIDIs Files)
? 005 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Demos
? 204 x Drum Hits (One-Shots) Samples:
? 030 x Claps
? 014 x FX
? 030 x Hi-Hats
? 030 x Kicks
? 030 x Percussions
? 010 x Snares
? 030 x Synth (Key C) (One-Shots) Samples
? 030 x Bass (Key G) (One-Shots) Samples
? 022 x VSTi Presets For (Xfer Records Serum)
? 146 x Individual (WAVs) Stems/Loops Files
? 204 x Individual (WAVs) (One-Shots) Samples Files
? 020 x Individual (MIDIs) Files
? 022 x Individual VSTi Presets For (Xfer Records Serum)
? 397 x Files In Total
? Key And Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible

......:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......


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