10.07.2018 | x86 VST WiN | 3 MB
It’s a 32-bit VST2 VSTi synthesizer from BipTunia VSTs, a division of Beastlick Internet Policy Commission Outreach Team.
The two oscillators are called "worm food" and "worm poo."
"slime" is filter resonance.
"goo" is other filter resonance.
"hard worms" is velocity sensitivity.
"Portobello" switch is portamento.
"shroom time" is portamento time.
"number of worms" is output volume.
"worm hole depth" takes one oscillator slightly out of tune for depth.
"freaks" is a fun little frequency analyzer.
Change log:
from .21 to .22:
-Jay added goo filter.
-MWD expanded lowest and highest value on goo filter. All the way down makes freaky sounds.
-MWD did minor updates on panel, readability, spelling, consistency.
-MWD added BipCot NoWorm license to install.
-Moved to BipTunia site.
官网: https://biptunia.com/?p=2056