TZ Group | LiNUX WiN OSX | 72.60 MB
Today it’s possible to make music with any DAW. What sets each one apart is workflow, how quickly you can realize your ideas, and the freedom to choose how you produce and perform.
Bitwig Studio is dynamic software for creation and performance of your musical ideas on stage or in the studio.
Discover the new standard in customized workflow. Bitwig Studio inspires you to take greater control of your music, giving you access to every aspect of your production. Streamline your creative process and quickly evolve your ideas into complete songs, tracks and compositions. Record and arrange, improvise and perform, or do it all at once. Welcome to the next generation of music creation and performance software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Bitwig Studio comes loaded with industry-standard to industry-leading features, designed to meet the demands of present day musicians, producers and sound designers.
Released on 10.11.2016.
FIXED Accessing files (projects, samples, plugins) is slow on some macOS computers depending on network configuration, which happens especially on fresh macOS Sierra installations.
FIXED Controller mappings in the mappings browser are sorted in a weird way.
FIXED Crash when copying scene to end of scene list for a nested track group.
FIXED Crash when loading some projects that contained plugins with nested chains that contained devices that routed to other parts of the project.
FIXED Crash if inserting content using popup browser into a slot on the clip launcher and deleting the track while the popup browser was open.
FIXED Controller API: deprecated API for switching device presets does not get updated to the lastest selected preset when switching presets using the browser in the GUI or the new browsing API.
FIXED Controller API: only create clips in group track slots when master track slots are shown instead of group scenes.
FIXED Controller API: clip launcher scenes should report if they have content just like slots do.
FIXED Controller API: add clip color observer to clip interface.
FIXED Engine crashes sometimes on OSX when terminating audio engine.
FIXED Crash when changing note length in some circumstances.
FIXED Recalling saved Hardware FX preset with popup browser crashes audio engine.
FIXED Regression: It is possible to drag arranger clips to a negative time on the arranger.
FIXED Crash if screen configurations change while the application is quitting.
FIXED Controller API: quantizing clips via controller API should be independent from event selection.
FIXED Controller API: send observer stop reporting after deleting effect track.
FIXED Bars:Beats:Tick:Percentage discards leading zeros in the percentage value when editing a beat time in the inspector.
FIXED Controller API: Clip.setStepSize has no effect when not connected to a clip.
FIXED Windows: Snapping app window to sides or up (for fullscreen) is buggy.
IMPROVED When showing popup browser for insertion after a note effect select note effects and instruments by default.
IMPROVED Controller API: add functions to Clip interface that enable clearing all step sequencer steps or all steps in a given row.
IMPROVED Controller API: made it possible to observe the number of clips per scene in the scene bank interface.
IMPROVED Controller API: add function for transposing notes to clip interface.
IMPROVED Controller API: provide access to owner track in clip interface.
IMPROVED Controller API: add function for quantizing notes to clip interface.
Note this is crack only, please download installer from Bitwig page here (click)
This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member Intrinsic. Please show him some love 
官网: http://www.bitwig.com/en/bitwig-studio.html