Team R2R | 2022.04.23 | 6.58 MB
The only way to achieve modern loudness without destroying the punch and impact is with smart, purposeful clipping in the mix. Other clippers on the market are overcomplicated, overpriced, ugly, or all of the above… so we decided to make the clipper every real mixer wants: a dead-simple tool that gets the job done in seconds.
With simplicity at the core of every plugin we develop,
BSAClipper is no exception. This precision mix tool has
only two controls, so dialing in an aggressively bold sound
has never been easier.
Key Features
Control the transients and dynamics of your signal via a digital hard clipping algorithm
The signal from the input gain then feeds into our custom clipping circuit, which removes any transients and signal movements over its set Threshold.
The Clipping Threshold slider is designed to give you direct visual feedback on the amount of clipping that is happening to your signal.