Blue Cats Freeware Pack 2.54 (Win/Mac)

Freeware | 09.2022 | 1.0/0.6 GB


The good old (and new) Blue Cat Audio freeware audio plug-ins gathered together in a single package! All plug-ins are entirely free: no dongle, registration or mandatory newsletter...

This bundle contains a wide range of premium modulation effects,a guitar amp simulator, a single and dual-channel equalizer, a unique midi-controllable gain suite, as well as a professional spectrum analyzer.

All plug-ins are available for Mac and PC, in VST, VST3, AAX and Audio Unit plug-in formats, for both 32 and 64-bit architectures.

For more information about the 7 products included in this bundle, see the list below.

Blue Cat's Chorus
"The Free Vintage Chorus" - From a light ensemble to a deep destructive modulation effect, Blue Cat's Chorus can just do anything, for free!

Blue Cat's Flanger
"The Free Vintage Flanger" - Very famous during the 70's and 80's, the Flanger effect can be used on almost any audio track: on drums, voices synths or guitars, from a subtle effect to a deep alien-like voice effect, enjoy it!

Blue Cat's Free Amp
"The free guitar amp simulation plug-in" - Blue Cat's Free Amp is a completely free guitar amp simulation plug-in offering three amp models created with the acclaimed Blue Cat's Destructor amp simulation modeler.

Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst
"What you cannot hear, Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst shows it to you, for free!" - Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst is a free spectrum analyzer plug-in that lets you monitor the spectral content of your audio signal in real time.

Blue Cat's Gain Suite
This plug-in suite is a series of gain utilities which let you control the volume of one or several audio tracks simultaneously, in real time.

Blue Cat's Phaser
"The Free Vintage Phaser" - Modeled after vintage analog phaser circuits, Blue Cat's Phaser reproduces this old vintage phasing effect that you can find on so many recordings, but with the precision of modern digital processing techniques.

Blue Cat's Triple EQ
"The easy and free shapeable filter" - Blue Cat's Triple EQ is a free 3 bands semi-parametric equalizer that can be controlled like a single filter, with a customizable shape.


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