Bolder Sounds Electric Sitar KONTAKT-0TH3Rside

0TH3Rside | Feb 17 2017 | 1.41 GB


This is a sample library project we've been wanting to complete for some time and I believe we have something really special here for you! This instrument has a distinct and unique voice. Now that it is available as a virtual instrument I have no doubt that it's musical effectiveness can be greatly expanded beyond of solely creating a groovy 60s vibe.

3 independent sample sources were recorded - neck and bridge pickup samples as well as microphone samples. I had this guitar rewired so I could use a stereo jack and record the neck and bridge pickups simultaneously. The mic samples really make this sample library unique. They give this instrument a very animated top end with the result being a bit of a acoustic-electric hybrid, giving us a closer emulation of a real sitar. This sampling process coupled with creative and flexible KSP scripting by Bo Clausen will give you many creative opportunities.

3 velocity layers for all the sustain samples.
Independent Volume and Tone/EQ control of each sample source - bridge and neck pickups as wel las mic samples
A very advanced scripted Pitch Bend and Vibrato control.
Detailed Articulation control to emulate slurs (hammer-ons and pull-offs)
Sampled Slides – both ascending and descending in half, whole and one and a half steps.
Detailed KSP scripted control of Fretting Position on the neck of the guitar, including an Auto Fret Selection feature.
A Key Switch Page where you can freely assign which key will trigger the various Key Switches.
9 different effects - each with its own Preset menus, so you can save and recall all the various parameters.
And much more!


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