29 APRIL 2016 | DUNE 2 SOUNDSET | 80 MB
Brandon Clark has released Starmap Vol.1, a new soundbank for Dune 2 softsynth distributed on Gumroad, through a pay-what-you-want system.
Starmap Vol.1 is a Sci-Fi themed soundset for Dune 2 inspired by the idea of advanced space travel, in a time when humanity becomes so overpopulated, that finding a new habitable planet becomes essential.
Brandon Clark soundset focuses on complex atmospheres, layered drones, cinematic pads, ambient synths, and celestial keys. Starmap Vol.1 is the first part of a three part series in which each volume will focus on a different sound type. Vol.1 is centered around, but not limited to atmospheres.
官网: https://gumroad.com/l/CGkcm#