Team DYNAMiCS | Jan 2009 | FORMAT: Audio+PDF | 2.63 GB
The Full Singing Success Program
You can have the most Comprehensive and best vocal method! Designed to be the "ultimate" vocal system, this is our anchor product.
The purpose of the program is to take singers of any skill level through a complete vocal training course, thereby replacing the need for countless lessons.
Our Method
This is the unique method that has the internet buzzing. With so many platinum selling celebrities and Grammy winning artists relying on Singing Success techniques to make their own vocal dreams come true, it's only right that people are talking. Singers using this method routinely add over a full octave of usable range to their voices in just a few lessons. The effectiveness of the program is matched only by its ease of use.
How it Works
Simple exercises experienced in an easy, tried and true order, take singers through a journey of very real and measurable progress. 17 lessons on 12 CDs , along with an easy-to-follow workbook, make up the Singing Success System. The good news is: Every singer starts out with the same simple exercises. They are the same exercises that Brett
himself uses and the same exercises he starts even his most well-known clients off with.
Increase Your Vocal Range!
Lose ALL Strain on High Notes!
Celebrity Secrets Revealed!