Bunker 8 Symphonic Impact MULTiFORMAT-MAGNETRiXX

TEAM MAGNETRiXX | 08 Januar 2013 | 838MB


The ultimate percussive/transit/string library for clued-up composers of film, TV, video game and soundtrack composers, packed with 1.28GB of the most explosive, detailed and exciting transition FX ever created.

The Symphonic series by Bunker 8 has become the go-to series for soundtrack producers throughout the media industry. Now for the first time Bunker 8 present a mammoth collection of FX booms, combos, transitions, piano hits, thuds, bangs, plucks, discordant dings and bashes to satisfy the needs of composers the world over.

Bunker 8 have taken the time to create a custom set of convolution symphonic halls and spaces in which the instruments are placed, offering a level of realism and depth one would expect in a collection costing four times as much.

Bunker 8 have also elicited the services of a several leading theoretical transcription conductors who have been intimately involved in both the composition and arrangement of this collection. In addition, custom convolution Hall reverbs were created especially for this library, giving the instruments a unique, epic scale far beyond the traditional orchestral mockups. These kits sound and feel the business.

Presented in both 24-bit Wav and AIFF format, Bunker 8 offer complete major DAW flexibility, plus kits for Kontakt 2, DS404, EMU, Gigasampler, Halion, Sampletank, Soundfont and Wusikstation.

Bunker 8 uses proprietary sample looping technology so that each cycle of either format seams perfectly throughout your jams. That means you can stretch these loops really far with limited or no digital artifacts.

All beats have been processed using Neve, Soundcraft and SSL consoles at the mixing stage, so you know these are ready to go.

If you're looking to stitch together orchestral phrases or complex edits with powerhouse percussive effects then this is the definitive collection to own.

官网: https://www.producerloops.com/Download-Bunker-8-Digital-Labs-Symphonic-Impact.html

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