Camel Audio CamelSpace v1.50.0.570 MacOSX HAPPY NEW YEAR - HEXWARS

01.01.2015 | AU/VST/RTAS 32/64 | HEXWARS


Prepare to be entranced! CamelSpace can take any sound you throw at it, be it a pad, a synth line or a drum loop, and generate a dizzying array of dynamically-evolving, gated rhythmic textures.

An enormously powerful 128-step 'trance gate' sequencer controls panning, filter cut-off and volume, while independent LFOs provide still more mind-boggling modulation options.

A tempo-synced stereo delay and powerful auto-panner ensure that your sounds are always on the move, while an enhancer (with 'Xcita' and soft saturation), a flanger and a high-quality reverb all add 'sparkle'.

A stunning graphical user interface puts all the controls at your fingertips, while the X/Y pad allows easy real-time manipulation of the most important parameters.

With the intelligent 'Randomize' button, new sounds and inspiration are just a click away. Over 500 attention-grabbing presets, organised by category, are also included. Find out more in the easy-to-read manual.

Rhythmic multi-effect, to add dynamic interest to pads, synths, drums and more.
Powerful 128-step 'trance gate' controlling filter cut-off, pan and volume.
Auto-panner, enhancer, flanger, multi-mode filter, stereo delay, reverb.
Easy-to-use, with X/Y pad and intelligent Randomize.
500+ categorised presets.

New Features in v1.5
64-bit support
New filter modes from Alchemy
Better preset organisation by category with 164+ new presets
MIDI program change
Inverse LFO shapes for Sine, Square, Triangle
Improved pattern and step tie editing
Randomisation option for step sequencer
Randomise button affects all active patterns
Default delay filter cutoff now 100% open

Since retail for Camel Audio are really hard to find,
and watermarking is very deep, we decided to rebuild
preset recall routine in the crippled demo, as the code was just missing.
The other usual demo limits are removed as well of course.
You can barely imagine the effort needed for such a crack.

Enjoy this fine hexwars release and have a happy new year!


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