Celemony Melodyne 5 Studio v5.0.2.003-RET

Team RET | 11 Aug 2020 | 23.6MB


New technologies, for better results in less time. Thanks to the fundamentally improved “Melodic” algorithm, Melodyne makes your vocal editing even better than before. With perfect, natural corrections at the press of a key. Thanks to the Chord Track, you can adapt notes with lightning speed to suit the song – chord recognition included. And with the unique Fade Tool, you can create note-based fades – even in polyphonic recordings and samples.

New in Melodyne 5
New technologies, for better results in less time. Thanks to the fundamentally improved “Melodic” algorithm, Melodyne makes your vocal editing even better than before. With perfect, natural corrections at the press of a key. Thanks to the Chord Track, you can adapt notes with lightning speed to suit the song – chord recognition included. And with the unique Fade Tool, you can create note-based fades – even in polyphonic recordings and samples.

All this is new:

the ability to edit pitched and noise-like components separately with the “Melodic” algorithm
a more musical analysis of pitch deviations
the Chord Track and Chord Grid for pitch editing, chord recognition
the Fade Tool and Leveling Macro for editing dynamics
an additional algorithm (“Percussive Pitched”) plus other algorithm improvements
search functions for keyboard shortcuts, saving of shortcut sets

Our release works on Windows 7 unlike legit version. Thanks R2R for helping!

* No iLok driver installation needed.
* It launches faster than original version.
* Install VST3 for ARA integration.

官网: https://www.celemony.com/en/melodyne/new-in-melodyne-5

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