Celemony Melodyne Studio v5.4.1.CE - V.R

Team V.R | 7.2024 | Windows | AAX*, VST3, SAL | 34 MB


Note-based audio editing
Melodyne grants you unrivaled access to all the musical details in your recordings and samples – note by note. This is made possible by a sophisticated analysis that delves deeply into your recordings and samples, and recognizes and understands the musical relationships within them: the individual notes and their characteristics, the scales, keys and chords, the timing, the tempo, the tone color. And with Melodyne you can edit all these things intuitively. With vocals, but every type of instrument as well – including polyphonic ones, such as the piano and guitar.
Notes and tools
In Melodyne, notes are represented by blobs. By manipulating these with Melodyne’s powerful tools, you can edit (among other things) the pitch, vibrato, volume, sibilants, length, timing and formants of each note. In this way, you can enhance in a musical yet straightforward manner the intonation, phrasing, dynamics and timbre of a performance. While ingenious algorithms ensure your editing’s almost always inaudible, sensitive, natural.
Why Melodyne is better
That Melodyne sounds so good and is so simple to use is based on two things. The less important is the technology.
The decisive factor is its understanding of the music.
Melodyne identifies the notes and the relationships between them. It is only as a result of this knowledge that Melodyne’s algorithms are able to “think” and operate in such a musical way. The benefits to you as a musician and producer include the famously superior sound of Melodyne and many other advantages that software lacking this understanding of musical contexts is incapable of offering.
The latest version
With Version 5, Melodyne strengthens its core competence, making its vocal editing functionality even more powerful than before. The most important new features:
* fundamentally improved “Melodic” algorithm
* more musical analysis of pitch deviations
* separate processing of pitched and unpitched (noise) components
* perfect de-esser functionality without side-effects
* Chord Track and chord recognition
* Chord Grid for pitch editing
* Fade Tool and Leveling Macro
* new “Percussive Pitched” algorithm


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