CEMA Research Nodal v1.9.0 (WIN OSX)-UNION

Team UNION | 30 Jun 2017 | WIN: 7.9MB | OSX: 10.7MB


Nodal is generative software for composing music, interactive real-time improvisation, and a musical tool for experimentation and play. Nodal uses a new method for creating and exploring musical patterns, probably unlike anything you've used before. You can play sounds using Nodal's built-in synthesiser or any MIDI compatible hardware or software instrument.

Nodal is based around the concept of a user-defined network. The network consists of nodes (musical events) and edges (connections between events). You interactively define the network, which is then automatically traversed by any number of virtual players. Players play their instruments according to the notes specified in each node. The time taken to travel from one node to another is based on the length of the edges that connect the nodes. Nodal allows you to create complex, changing sequences using just a few simple elements. Its unique visual representation allows you to edit and interact with the music generating system as the composition plays.

Nodal is compatible with DAW software such as Ableton Live, Logic Studio, Digital Performer and Garage Band. It can transmit and receive MIDI sync. You can edit a network using the mouse and keyboard, and optionally a MIDI keyboard. Nodal recognises and sends notes, sync, continuous controller and pitch bend information.


simple but powerful interface
change your composition while it is playing – great for improvisation and quickly creating new musical ideas
compatible with any MIDI synthesiser and major Digital Audio software
can run stand alone using the built-in synthesiser
live performance tools: trigger complex sequences within the network using any MIDI keyboard or MIDI input device
define your own interactive continuous controller curves (e.g. Volume, Pan, Modulation) for greater musical expression
built-in examples and tutorial information to get you started and making music quickly

官网: http://nodalmusic.com/

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