FLAC | Sounds FX Effects & Samples Movie | Team DjYOPMiX MERRY XMAS 2023 | 110 MB
Artist: The Cheeky Monkeys
Title : Christmas Sound Effects & the Story of Father Christmas
Format: Digital [Flac]
Label: iDownload Pty Ltd (COUNTDOWN MEDIA GMBH) Pony Music
Total Length: 17:28
Genres: Samples Merry Christmas & Movie Special Effects
01 The Story of Father Christmas (Narrated By Mrs. Clause) [Sound Effects] 6:47
02 Santa Ho Ho Ho [Sound Effects] 0:13
03 Writing a Letter to Santa [Sound Effects] 0:33
04 Reindeer Trots Up and Snorts [Sound Effects] 0:10
05 Sleigh Bells Jingling as Santa Departs North Pole [Sound Effects] 1:04
06 Toy Shopping At the Mall With Shoppers [Sound Effects] 1:04
07 Playing With Toys in the Toy Store [Sound Effects] 1:04
08 Wrapping Gifts Up With Paper [Sound Effects] 0:33
09 Cutting Up Christmas Wrapping Paper [Sound Effects] 0:19
10 Grating Carrots for the Hungry Reindeer [Sound Effects] 0:27
11 Fire Place Burning On Christmas Eve [Sound Effects] 1:04
12 Arrival of Santa (Sleigh Bells Ringing) [Sound Effects] 0:34
13 Santa Sneaking in to Leave Presents Under the Tree [Sound Effects] 0:04
14 Children Giggling With Excitement [Sound Effects] 0:33
15 Opening Up an Envelope and Reading a Christmas Letter [Sound Effects] 0:16
16 Children Playing On Christmas Morning [Sound Effects] 1:03
17 Jolly Santa Laughing and Chuckling [Sound Effects] 1:17
18 Santa Leaving (Sleigh Bells Ringing) [Sound Effects] 0:23
官网: https://de.7digital.com/artist/the-cheeky-monkeys/release/christmas-sound-effects-and-the-story-of-father-christmas?f=20%2C19%2C12%2C16%2C17%2C9%2C2