Chords for Guitar: Transposable Guitar Chords using the CAGED System by Gareth Evans

ISBN: 0956954774 | 2013 | 88 pages | 8 MB


Chords for Guitar is about moveable chord shapes based on the CAGED guitar system. Rather than presenting the same shapes for the same chord types as different chords when moved up or down the fret-board, giving 1000's of chords, Chords for Guitar makes this into a simple unified process by showing only the moveable shapes and how to move them up or down the fret-board, allowing for more chord types.

Chord Reference - Chords for Guitar is a reference of over 200 unique shapes for just over 60 different chord types, from the commonly used chord types such as major, minor, sus2, sus4, add9 and 7th chords to further extended chords, altered chords and inversions, enabling you to find many more chords yourself and get a better understanding of the fret-board.

Questions and Answers - The root note location within all of the guitar chords is clearly marked out, enabling you to transpose its moveable shape up and down the fret-board. Each chord type has a question to make sure you're on track to being able to locate guitar chords yourself; shift the root note to its note name location (e.g. C, F#, G etc.) apply the chord shape, then check the answer at the back.

Theory - Theory and chord construction are explained using piano keys for the simplicity of its linear layout of notes, then applied to the six-string guitar, from the basics of using odd numbered intervals (e.g. 1, 3, 5 etc.) to the compound intervals within extended chords and alterations.


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