Cinesamples CineWinds CORE v1.3.0 rollerballs Lite Version KONTAKT

AudioZ Exclusive | 10 June 2021 | KONTAKT | 1.66GB


This is a light version of the Cinesamples CineWinds CORE library. The library covers the essentials of the orchestral woodwinds section and was recorded in the legendary MGM Scoring Stage. The instruments have a lively tone, and the range of the dynamics is quite good as well. This library provides an instant cinematic sound with a variety of essential articulations. The sound is especially good for applications where a more traditional, classic woodwind sound is required. The patches are very playable and it's easy to get ideas recorded in no time. Overall, a good all-round woodwinds library which helps in getting great results very quickly.

Following changes were made to the library:
1. The "Spot", "Close", "Room", and "Surround" mic position sample groups were removed. This is one of the very few libraries where the default mix sounds awesome and rarely needs any tweaking. In about 90% of use cases, I found myself using this mix only and rarely ever used the other mic positions.

2. The samples in the original release were in 24-bit 48kHz format. The samples were converted to 16-bit 48kHz and repacked into NKX containers. A null test results in a peak of -85dB, which won't be audible at all. Also, after quite some testing, no issues were found with noise floor build-up when playing lots of notes. The conversion process takes the size down to 1.66GB from the original 16.0GB, which is a 90% reduction!

NOTE: Kontakt v5.8.0 or higher is required. This library does not work with legit full version of Kontakt and k'd Kontakt is necessary to use this library.

Another change of instruments!
One of my few tools for woodwinds, and works like a charm! My go-to library for woodwinds which gives an instant cinematic sound!


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