Cybermath Wavetable Synth(FREE)

Cybermath Wavetable Synth(FREE)


"My target with this synthesizer is to make some tool that allow you to make pretty much every desirable sound
(in terms of synths obviously) , its not much advanced in terms of detail, there are things where you cant do
it in precise measures… this might not be a good synth to make kicks per example, but i think to create inspiring
patches or to create very unique sounds, this might be fun to experiment, i have tried most modern synths, they
sound amazing, there are great plugins today, but really… some are not fun to use at all, either because they
seem over-complex, or the flow its not exactly straight forward…

So my goal with this plugin was to make something that you can very quickly immerse into what your doing, each
unit or module has its own window in order to not overcrowd with options in a single view... as i think it helps
to navigate better." - Ricardo F. Gomes

- 2 Oscillators that use 2 wavetables that allow you to load and design shapes, this oscillators use phase modelation
(what people call FM in most plugins) wich means you can create very strange sounds, and bizzare sounds with it, with
normal shapes, but the sonics possibilities increase to infinit by the fact you can design any shape..

- Each wavetable has an Envelope, wich you can acess when you click in the typical envelope symbol in the top right
corner of the wavetable.

- A multi-staged envelope unit, that allow you to create simple attack and release shapes, but also more complex
sequences and peaks by adding more points, this can be usefull to create riffs type of sounds...

- An arpeggiator...
where you can create pretty unique types of sequence and also chords!

- 8 envelope modulators...
As you can notice, this uses graphical lines exacly like the wavetables, you can imagine this as an LFO unit
that allow you to draw shapes attached into a specific sequence of tempo, it can scale the envelope from very fast times
like 1/2, till a 32 bar sequence.

- A matrix where you can assign pretty much every parameter.

- 8 post-fx modules that can be chained in different positions in order to archieve certain outputs and concepts

Windows VST x86!

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