Cycles & Spots deliver finest Nu Disco material once more. 10 Themes with WAV & MIDI files covering Bass, Chord and Melody Loops plus 19 Beats and 89 Single Drum Loops.
This means you should be able to squeeze at least two dozens of songs out of "Digital Disco".
Of course you also can just use single ideas and loops for your inspiration. 472 MB in total.
......:::::: Product Specifications ::::::......
? Format: WAVs & MIDIs
? 010 x Themes Construction Kits (Including: Stems/Loops, MIDIs Files)
? 010 x FullMix/Preview Demos
? 019 x Beats Loops
? 089 x Beats Elements Drum Hits (One-Shots) Samples: (19 x Kicks, 27 x Hi-Hats, 6 x Percussions, 17 x Snares, 10 x Toms)
? 149 x Individual WAVs Files
? 041 x Individual MIDIs Files
? 200 x Files In Total
? Tempo-Labelled
? 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
? Compatible With All DAWs
? PC & Mac Compatible
......:::::: DEMO/PREViEW ::::::......