Cymatics DRIZZY Hip Hop Sample Pack WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 13 October 2023 | 815 MB


Includes 600+ Samples Inspired by Drake’s
With the recent release of Drake’s new album “For All The Dogs”, our producers have been super inspired.

So we had our top producers deep dive into Drake’s most popular albums, to study what makes each one so special.

Through this process we ended up with 3 new packs, each inspired by a different era of Drake’s hit songs.

Inside, you’ll get 600+ new Melodies, Drums, FX, and more, all in the style of Drake’s iconic sound.

*This collection is only $15 for the next 72 hours, so don’t miss out!

3 Unreleased Packs Included, 100% Royalty Free

Inspired by Drake’s Hit Album “For All The Dogs”
This pack includes premium Melodies, Drum Loops, Drum One Shots, FX, and more, inspired by his latest album release “For All The Dogs”.

Our team studied the ins and out of his latest sound, crafting new samples that pull inspiration from each song on the album.

Inspired by Drake’s Hit Album “Honestly, Nevermind”
This pack includes premium Melodies, Drum Loops, Drum One Shots, FX, and more, inspired by his popular album “Honestly, Nevermind”.

Our team studied the ins and out of his latest sound, crafting new samples that pull inspiration from each song on the album.

Inspired by Drake’s Hit Album “Certified Lover Boy”
This pack includes premium Melodies, Drum Loops, Drum One Shots, FX, and more, inspired by his popular album “Certified Lover Boy”.

Our team studied the ins and out of his latest sound, crafting new samples that pull inspiration from each song on the album.


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