Dan Keen Soft String Spurs + (Extras) Kontakt Decent Sampler EXS24 [FREE]

Free | Kontakt Decent Sampler EXS24| 472/475/875/333/169 MB


A collection of three distinct viola sample instruments including harmonics and swells.
Welcome to Soft String Spurs, a sample library of my viola. There are 3 main components to this collection of sounds; the Core, which has 4 dynamic layers (Levels 1 and 2 were recorded using a mute, Levels 3 and 4 were recorded without a mute), Harmonics (4 time-stretched and manipulated natural harmonics) and Swells. I recorded this diatonically, recording 4 bows per sample, using a combination of AKG C451B close and AKG C214 stereo room mics for width. To enhance the sound further, I also recorded multiple layers. Level 1 has just a single recording and Levels 2, 3 and 4 have 3, 4 and 5 layers respectively.

The samples were produced with minimal compression, EQ and reverb to allow you to have flexibility with the sound, but I must say they take very well to delay and reverb, as outlined in my YouTube walkthrough and tutorial below. The dynamics of the Core library can be faded between using the Mod Wheel and the volume for the Harmonics and Swells can be adjusted with CC21 (Spitfire’s vibrato control). The combination of these plus CC11 Volume controller allow for easy use of all three instruments simultaneously.

Extras :
Additional viola to add to the original Soft String Spurs

Welcome to Soft String Spurs Extras, a sample library of my viola, serving as an accompaniment to the original and very successful Soft String Spurs. This library has been such a joy to put together and I hope you enjoy using it just as much as I enjoyed creating it. This library was recorded diatonically using three microphones – a close AKG C451B about 2 feet from the viola and a stereo pair of AKG C214s about 2 metres away. The samples were double-tracked, enabling a rich stereo field. The samples were then edited and processed using echos and reverb and cleaned using RX7.

官网: https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/soft-string-spurs/

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